I'm a full stack software developer from the Netherlands. I enjoy building web applications, that's what I'm doing full-time at Booking.com. In my free time I contribute to open-source.
I'm a full stack software developer from the Netherlands. I enjoy building web applications, that's what I'm doing full-time at Booking.com. In my free time I contribute to open-source.
E-mail: antelle.net@gmail.com.
GitHub: github.com/antelle.
Password manger compatible with KeePass. Available as a web application and desktop apps for all platforms.
Website: keeweb.info, GitHub: github.com/keeweb/keeweb ✩ 12.5k
Full implementation of the KDBX (KeePass password file) format in JavaScript. Used as the core library in KeeWeb.
GitHub: github.com/keeweb/kdbxweb ✩ 426
Argon2 password hashing function compiled to WebAssembly. Can be used in browsers and node.js.
Demo: antelle.net/argon2-browser, GitHub: github.com/antelle/argon2-browser ✩ 399
Node.js library for reading and extraction of large ZIP archives. It's designed to work with huge files that don't fit into memory.
GitHub: github.com/antelle/node-stream-zip ✩ 459
Dark theme for IntelliJ IDEA inspired by Xcode.
GitHub: github.com/antelle/intellij-xcode-dark-theme ✩ 149
String matching library with support of camel case, dash case, etc… It can do fuzzy search and performs well on the large datasets.
Demo: antelle.net/string-case-match, GitHub: github.com/antelle/string-case-match
Dutch irregular verbs trainer. Counts the number of errors you made and shows the progress.
Website: antelle.net/sterke-werkwoorden, GitHub: github.com/antelle/sterke-werkwoorden
Minimalistic color picker with two input modes (color wheel and textual).
Website: antelle.net/small-color-picker, GitHub: github.com/antelle/small-color-picker
Popular accommodation booking website.
Website: booking.com
Cross-platform office software with collaborative editing features.
Website: collabio.com
Thank you for your time!